Having a monthly period is something that connects women and girls around the globe. Unfortunately, many girls lack access to pads and health education.
ZanaAfrica Group partners with our nonprofit arm ZanaAfrica Foundation to create and deliver innovative health education for girls.
In Kenya, girls do not have their experiences reflected in media, so we’re working to change that by creating fun, aspirational but realistic characters to walk alongside girls and relate to their joys and challenges in growing up.
Our first joint project is the development of educational health comics, called Nia, that educate girls' in a fun, engaging way, covering topics ranging from menstrual and reproductive health and hygiene, to physical and emotional changes that take place during puberty, to defining relationships, and more. Through the Foundation's Nia Comics, which are paired with our pads, we’re providing girls with the information, guidance and affirmation they need and seek to navigate adolescence in a way that is referable and user-tested for behavior change and health outcomes. They are a physical resource that girls own and can read in private, share with others and refer back to over time.
To learn more about the work of ZanaAfrica Foundation visit: www.zanaafrica.org.